Friday, February 1, 2019

IT 3 Questions

What do I already know?
I know VERY minimal HTML and CSS, I've forgotten most of it by now. i am still able to use Scratch pretty okay. I know how to make very basic animation in Adobe Animate. i can make animations in Pivot Animator using sprites. I know how the buttons in Algodoo work to make some basic games.
What do I want to learn?
I want to learn how to code video games using Javascript. i want to learn how to make 3-D animations in Adobe Animate. I want to learn how binary works as a type of code.
How will computers fit into my future?

Computers will have great impact in my future as many things are becoming automated or are using robots. In my future i want to be an astronomer/astronaut which i feel would need lots of computer based things. Instruments that are used to measure anything that is out in space. Quantum computing is fairly new so there's plenty of improvements to be made on them.

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