Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Final Interview

1. Which assignments did you enjoy and why?

I enjoyed the Carbuilder because i set new record hell yeah.

2. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?

The health week assignments because lack of motivation
(booby also hated it)

3. Report Card Comment

Bush did 9/11.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Crashing into another raft.
Shark attack.

Crafting a grill.

Cooking fish on a grill.

 Using a Plastic Hook


Defended a Shark.

Water purifier.

Starting a Second floor.

Death. Died to a Shark.



Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Fastest 2 seats 197 mph

Fastest Sedan 177 mph 4 seats

Fastest Minivan 166 mph

Slowest Sedan 45 mph 4 seats

Slowest Minivan 45 mph 6 seats

100 mph Minivan 6 Seats

100 mph Sedan 4 seats
100 mph Car 2 seats
Slowest car 53 mph 2 seats

Monday, May 13, 2019


Pong finished - Background change

Pong part 6 - Scoreboard added

Pong part 5b - Ball direction

Pong part 5a - Ball hits paddles

Pong part 4 - AI

Pong part 3 - Player Paddle Moves

Pong part 2 - Ball Moves/Bounces

Pong Part one - Layout

The City

Motion Guide

Shape Tweening


Thursday, April 4, 2019


Minecraft Discus Hotel

Krishneel, Bobby, Cody, Xander


1st Slideshow